Lula Washington Dance Theatre superb in Zhengzhou 6
There was no better place to be on earth — not New York, not Paris, not London, nor Beijing. All of the action tonight was at a Roman-style outdoor amphitheater one hour outside Zhengzhou, PRC. That’s the capitol city of Henan Province (pop: 94 million). There, at SIAS University, the 13 dancers of Lula Washington ...
arts·meme reaches ripe age of three
On May 24, 2008, two things happened: 1) arts·meme went live, and 2) I stopped having time to watch television. Happy birthday, arts·meme, three years old. Now give us a little smile, sweetheart! My sincere appreciation to arts·meme creative collaborators: mark levine (technology) kent bulza, kamil muzylo (connectivity) elizabeth zimmer (editorial) chris green (brand) doug ...
Freedom Jazz Movement @ Henan Province’s SIAS University
A slight nip in an otherwise balmy late-spring Chinese evening gave an edge to the polished set the Los Angeles-based jazz quartet, Freedom Jazz Movement, laid down at SIAS University in Henan Province tonight. The show took place at the privately owned university’s Roman-style outdoor amphitheater. Four exceptional musicians, delivering a suite of band leader ...
Train to Zhengzhou for Lula Washington Dance Theatre 1
The only booties that were not shaking after Lula Washington Dance Theatre’s visit to Xian (she-yan) were those of the 3,000-year-old terracotta warriors. The lively, Los Angeles-based, African-American dance troupe performed in Xi’an twice, both times to about 1,000 people. Everybody got all shook up. But the stony warriors proved impervious to modern dance. Here ...
Lula Washington Dance Theatre rocks Xi’an
[slideshow id=17 w=500] Lula Washington with her indefatigable stage manager Terri James. Lula with Erwin Washington, husband/business manager Dancers Dwayne Brown, Micah Moch, Ramon Thielen stretch. Four-piece jazz combo accompanying the tour, plus a fifth wheel. Band tunes up on local instruments. Audience includes a brigade of security guys. Young dance fans peek thru a ...
In China, with Lula 1
At right, the irrepressible dancers of Lula Washington Dance Theatre, who open a 25-day tour of China, noodle around the Air China terminal at Beijing Airport prior to flying to Xi’an, the capital city of Sha’anxi province. The tour’s sponsors include the U.S. Department of State and SAIS University of Henan Province. The troupe and ...
arts•meme to China 4
Soon to board a slow boat to China — modern version, a big silver bird at LAX, Friday morning. Destination: first Beijing, and then to Xi’an, Zhengzhou, Hangzhou, Kaifeng, Ningpo, Shanghai among other cities. A month long tour accompanying Lula Washington Dance Theatre — a tremendous honor and opportunity. Our delegation of 25 will be ...
If it’s August, it’s NYCB Nutcracker time in Los Angeles 2
This fascinating poster — click on it for detail — dating near to 1954 when Balanchine first staged the Nutcracker [Maria Tallchief as Sugar Plum Fairy, Tanaquil LeClercq as Dewdrop] — comes from the collection of Edith Brozak McMann, a former New York City Ballet dancer. It may interest Los Angeles dance fans of a ...
L.A. dance programmers add to U.S. trade deficit with tempting imports 1
We’ve always imported major dance companies in Los Angeles. In the old days, that meant New York City Ballet romping at the Greek Theater in Griffith Park. But now we go global. And this is worsening the nation’s nettlesome trade deficit. We buy more of their stuff and they don’t buy enough of ours. Our ...
‘Footwork’ explodes out of Chicago — on the radio
Hey Wills Glasspiegel of National Public Radio, thank you for hipping us to Chicago ‘footwork’ on the airwaves, All Things Considered, today. Great story: Listen here. Read it here. The best dancing is in the last four minutes of the video. Thank you Luke Hartley for your very kool foto.