Dancers we love …Tanaquil LeClercq 1

Tanaquil LeClercq, American ballerina (1929 – 2000). Watching the “American Masters” docu on Jerome Robbins and learning of the close friendship and artistic relationship between Robbins and LeClercq … then finding this Irving Penn study of the New York City Ballet ballerina, who was a great natural beauty.

Yvonne Mounsey, 39 others, feted for Jerome Robbins collaboration

In a truly beautiful gesture, on September 30, the 2011 Jerome Robbins Award was dedicated to 30 former or current New York City Ballet principal ballerinas, 4 posthumously, who danced several principal roles in Jerome Robbins’ ballets. Included was Los Angeles’ own Yvonne Mounsey, 92, who danced with City Ballet from 1949 – 1958, and ...

If it’s August, it’s NYCB Nutcracker time in Los Angeles 2

This fascinating poster — click on it for detail — dating near to 1954 when Balanchine first staged the Nutcracker [Maria Tallchief as Sugar Plum Fairy, Tanaquil LeClercq as Dewdrop] — comes from the collection of Edith Brozak McMann, a former New York City Ballet dancer. It may interest Los Angeles dance fans of a ...

Arthur Mitchell delights in his ballerinas

“I love to partner,” admits the great pioneering African-American ballet dancer Arthur Mitchell who joined New York City Ballet in 1955. In conversation he shares affectionate sound bites about the ballerinas he partnered when dancing for choreographer George Balanchine at New York City Ballet, 1955 – 1966. On Allegra Kent: “Otherworldly. A real creature, there was nothing she ...