Rusha career retrospective coming to MoMA, then LACMA

The Oklahoma-born, Los Angeles-based artist Ed Ruscha (b. 1937) will enjoy his largest retrospective and his first solo exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art in New York in the fall and winter of next year. Appropriately enough, the exhibit, ED RUSCHA / NOW THEN, co-curated by MoMA and LACMA, will travel thereafter to the ...
Walk around LACMA … with Robert Rauschenberg

No one walks in Los Angeles. Everyone knows that. Video artist and New Yorker Charles Atlas noted it in a chat at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) the day of a duel-exhibition opening. Atlas, who installed the museum’s video-rich Merce Cunningham exhibit, explained, “I’ve been here a few weeks. I walked to ...
Mike & movie mavens amass for LACMA poster exhibition 3

Among the mavens who came out to celebrate “The Art of the Movie Poster: HIghlights from the Mike Kaplan Collection,” newly opened at LACMA, were several prominent ones cheering on their friend, Kaplan (at left). At right, the estimable Malcolm McDowell, whose association and friendship with Kaplan has Stanley Kubrick at its heart. (As a ...
Chatting with Michael Govan about ‘Moholy-Nagy: Future Present’

It was nice watching the at-home manner in which LACMA CEO Michael Govan toured the cascading galleries of “Moholy-Nagy: Future Present” during the impressive show’s opening week in February. The highly recommended exhibition of 250 works by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, a visual master much known for photography and filmmaking, will close on June 18. Sure, the ...
LACMA’s purchase of movie poster collection a boon to Los Angeles, says Michael Govan 2

Joyful news as the artistic merits of the marketing of movies during the High Hollywood era gets strong validation with the addition of an important movie-poster collection at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). Michael Govan, LACMA CEO and Wallis Annenberg Director, announced on Saturday April 16 the acquisition of the Mike Kaplan ...
Peggy’s place

Art of This Century, view of the Abstract Gallery, New York, ca. 1943. Courtesy Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice. Left to right (paintings): Vasily Kandinsky, Landscape with Red Spots, No. 2, 1913; Kazimir Malevich, Untitled, ca. 1916; Francis Picabia, Very Rare Picture on Earth, 1915; Albert Gleizes, Woman with Animals (Madame Raymond Duchamp-Villon), 1914 (partially visible ...
How beautiful! French art bequeathed to LACMA

Love the work of French artist Pierre Bonnard and his inimitable ‘interior’ paintings, an example, “Apres le repas,” from 1925, above. That’s just one canvas of a huge trove of French and other European art bequeathed last November as a major gift to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) by the Los Angeles-based ...
Chris Burden’s elegaic floating sculpture @ LACMA

Beginning May 18, for four weeks, Chris Burden’s Ode to Santos Dumont a kinetic airship sculpture inspired by Brazilian-born pioneer aviator Alberto Santos-Dumont, will be on view at LACMA. Burden, the noted conceptual/performance artist, completed his plans for the LACMA exhibit before he passed away May 10. Santos-Dumont, considered the father of aviation in France, flew ...
The new Academy Museum gets a launch party at LACMA

We had a ball cruising the room at the inaugural celebration for the future home of The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures on Thursday, April 11, 2013 at the historic Wilshire May Company Building in Los Angeles. Many film and arts-world leaders and celebs were in attendance. Slideshow here: photos: Todd Wawrychuk / ©A.M.P.A.S., Richard ...