‘Ivan the Wonderful’ fans the “Flames of Paris”

Russia’s latest Sputnik-in-orbit, Ivan Vasiliev, swapped between adorable, formidable, and simply irresistible as French revolutionary “Philippe” in Mikhailovsky Ballet‘s production of “The Flames of Paris” tonight at Segerstrom Center for the Arts. It was a West Coast debut for the Mikhailovsky, an impressive second-tier player to Russia’s Bolshoi and Kirov ballets. High above the Segerstrom stage, Ivan soared and ...
Pre-Thanksgiving ballet weight gain @ Segerstrom Center

This stunner of a high-attitude position, poised on a set of million-dollar legs comes from Mikhailovsky Ballet ballerina Veronika Ignatyeva, as Cupid, in “Flames of Paris.” The French Revolutionary ballet, first created in Stalinist Russia in 1932, will be on view Nov 28-30 at Segerstrom Center for the Arts over Thanksgiving weekend. The production, ...
Nude ballet photos! Herman Cornejo, Ivan Vasiliev in near buff

Yes, budgets are tight. So we’re seeing our biggest ballet stars come on stage wearing less and less clothes! In this case, it’s no huge punishment. We are talking about two of the loveliest, most talented — and beefiest — guys in ballet today. Pictured at left, Herman Cornejo, who commenced the “Diana & Acteon” ...
‘Solo for Two’ in steady preparation at Segerstrom Center

It’s a pretty big stage — that’s why we love watching the great ballet companies of the world bourée and jeté across it. So let’s see how two of our best, Natalia Osipova and Ivan Vasiliev, succeed in riveting our attention over their full-evening performance “Solo for Two.” The showcase by the diminutive Russian duo, ...
While in Moscow, California dreamin’: ABT’s Ivan Vasiliev

We very much enjoy seeing this photo of the divine Ivan …That would be Ivan Vasiliev, heading to Los Angeles for weekend performances with American Ballet Theatre. Here’s Ivan, caught by the camera pouring CALIFORNIA wine at a recent Moscow dinner party. On his teeshirt: True Believer Los Angeles, California That is so righteous. We ...
Natasha & her men 1

Natalia Makarova, the divine, visiting Costa Mesa, California, from New York City, saunters backstage at “Kings of the Dance,” and announces “Well, I want to meet the Kings of the Dance.” The great exiled Russian ballerina faces off with five of the top guys in global ballet world. Marcelo Gomes immediately retorts “Well, you’re the ...
Natalia Makarova visits California 2

The glorious prima ballerina, Natalia Makarova, middle, captured in a charming photo taken at Segerstrom Center for the Arts, Costa Mesa, California, in October 2011. On her either side, Gaiane Danilian, of Ardani Artists, and Ivan Vasilev of the Bolshoi Ballet. The occasion was the latest chapter of “Kings of the Dance.” photo courtesy ardani ...
All hail the “Kings”!

Courtesy of my Facebook Friend, Marcelo Gomes, here’s Gene Schiavone’s marvelous portrait of the dancing dudes, their Royal Heinesses, er… Highnesses, THE KINGS OF THE DANCE. You gotta love these kingly kreatures … Impresario Sergei Danilian clearly does, as he’s producing ballet’s premier testosterone showcase for a fourth time.I’ll be there, opening night in Costa ...
Polina Semionova, one of seven powerful female dancers of “Reflections” 1

Just back from “Reflections” at Orange County’s Segerstrom Center, a beautifully performed showcase for the spectacular skills of seven Bolshoi Academy-trained ballerinas and four of their male counterparts. Lots of vibrant creativity on display here — in a regrettably overly long program. (I never thought I’d write the words, ‘Cut the Balanchine,’ but here they ...