Birthday letter from Tippi Hedren 1

Ed. note: This gorgeous photo arrived from glamorous actress/activist Tippi Hedren who takes the occasion of her birthday to send an “ask,” which we are sharing with delight. Today is my birthday! I am 88 years old! Woo hoo! Some have asked, “What do you want for your Birthday, Tippi?….Anything special?” I said, “Yes, it ...
Brilliant at ‘transforming people’ says Tippi Hedren of Edith Head

One of the marvelous interactive exhibits at the just-opened “Hollywood Costume” exhibition, a co-presentation by The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences and the Victoria & Albert Museum at LACMA’s May Company building, is a virtual conversation between three movie collaborators. Two, alas, are deceased, but one is still vibrantly alive. Director Alfred Hitchcock ...
Remembering last December’s TCM Cruise

This story first appeared in The Huffington Post. When Turner Classic Movies announced its first-ever “classic film cruise,” which took place early last December to the joy of 1,800 participants, combining a full program of movie mania with the pleasures of cruising — fresh air, glistening ocean, tropical cocktails — Graham Phillips, and his wife ...
Quiz: Find Tippi Hedren in the photo 1

It was quite a moment, on TCM Classic Cruise, when the stars & celebs gathered on deck for the launch of the Celebrity “Millenium,” … and out waltzed Tippi Hedren, beyond fabulous in a zebra-striped cruise outfit. Tippi just pops out of this fun foto, which also features Ernest Borgnine, Eva Marie Saint, Robert Osborne, ...
Preparing our Letters of Transit for TCM Classic Cruise 1

The moment arrives soon for the first-ever … er, the first annual Turner Classic Movies TCM Classic Cruise. We fly to Miami on Wednesday and set sail this Thursday for a fun long weekend of floating film geekdom! Destinations: Key West and Cozumel. Getting our letters of transit in order is a huge challenge — ...
The divine meets the dogged: Tippi Hedren & Edith Head reunite

High Hollywood gets a sparkling rejuvenation when the divine Tippi Hedren will meet the determined Edith Head at a theater opening on October 28. It’s the restaging at the Odyssey Theater in West Los Angeles of the one-woman show, “A Conversation with Edith Head.” Ms. Head, who was petite, loomed large as a cinema costumer. ...