TCM: Turner Classic Mishpocha

At the Beverly Hills Four Seasons Hotel a cocktail reception celebrating 30 years of Turner Classic Movies: TCM. A classy affair with a real family feeling. Mishpocha, in Yiddish, means “family.” One was struck, in attending Turner Classic Movies‘ 30th anniversary gathering, January 12, 2024, at the Beverly Hills Four Seasons Hotel, that, beyond the ...
Remembering last December’s TCM Cruise

This story first appeared in The Huffington Post. When Turner Classic Movies announced its first-ever “classic film cruise,” which took place early last December to the joy of 1,800 participants, combining a full program of movie mania with the pleasures of cruising — fresh air, glistening ocean, tropical cocktails — Graham Phillips, and his wife ...
Merrily TCM Classic Cruise rolled along . . .

It was a wild & crazy cruise. Robert Osborne, usually a pretty tamped-down guy, skipped the light fantastic through the casino with Eva Maria Saint in tow. In this amazing shot by TCM photog, Ted Pio Roda, Ms. Saint, one of the silver screen’s most enduring method actors, looks not one day older than when ...
Quiz: Find Tippi Hedren in the photo 1

It was quite a moment, on TCM Classic Cruise, when the stars & celebs gathered on deck for the launch of the Celebrity “Millenium,” … and out waltzed Tippi Hedren, beyond fabulous in a zebra-striped cruise outfit. Tippi just pops out of this fun foto, which also features Ernest Borgnine, Eva Marie Saint, Robert Osborne, ...
Setting sail! The gang poses for launch photo @ TCM Classic Cruise 3

Last Thursday afternoon, December 8, 2011, punctually at 4:30 pm, a boatload of movie nuts set sail on the first ever TCM Classic Cruise. What a party! Click on photo for detail. Like this? Read more about TCM Classic Cruise on arts·meme soon!
Chatting with Robert Osborne, Turner Classic Movies host 1

robert osborne, turner classic movies host I very much enjoyed a chat with Robert Osborne who has achieved god-like status on TCM’s first-ever Classic Film Cruise. As we spoke, we were bobbling on the Celebrity “Millenium” cruise liner docked near to the coast of Cozumel in Mexico. Everyone loves this smart, sensitive man. He’s tall, ...
Update on our cabin for TCM Classic Cruise, boarding tomorrow

Seeking assurance that we are getting the best, just like Paulette Goddard below, we asked the nice people at TCM to give us an advance peek at our cabin. They dispatched the following video snippet. Are those my hard-boiled eggs? I can’t tell until they get into the room. Do you want a manicure? No, ...
Prepping for TCM Classic Cruise, departs Port of Miami Thursday

We’re packing sun tan lotion and espadrilles for TCM Cruise, with stops in Key West and Cozumel, departing Thursday afternoon from Port of Miami. Having never taken a cruise before, I checked on the Internet to see what to expect. This is what a cruise “stateroom” looks like. Can’t wait to see what my “cabin” ...
Preparing our Letters of Transit for TCM Classic Cruise 1

The moment arrives soon for the first-ever … er, the first annual Turner Classic Movies TCM Classic Cruise. We fly to Miami on Wednesday and set sail this Thursday for a fun long weekend of floating film geekdom! Destinations: Key West and Cozumel. Getting our letters of transit in order is a huge challenge — ...