Let’s watch YouTube reactions to Jack Cole’s ‘Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend’

Well, I’ve studied it, screened it, spooled it, summarized it, synopsized it. I’ve analyzed, advocated, argued and addressed it. Glowed and kvelled over it, enjoyed and celebrated it. So it’s fun, for a change, to let YouTube queen, “India Reacts” take the reins as she watches (her first time, ever) a video of “Diamonds Are ...
He’s just Ken. But, Ryan Gosling and Mandy Moore, Jack Cole has a name too. 11

Jack Cole (1911-1974) creator of “Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend”was so bad-assed you’d think people would show respect. Instead, one of American-dance’s most original creators was stolen from, even in his lifetime–and he knew it. Nineteen million people watched, on Sunday night, when, at the 96th Oscar Award ceremony, actor Ryan Gosling, looking hot ...
Marilyn could play comedy, or drama, according to her directors

Henry Hathaway, on MM and high drama: I think her whole life might have changed in Darryl Zanuck would have let her … I wanted to do Of Human Bondage with Marilyn and Jimmy Dean way back then … because after I did that picture with her [Niagra] I found her marvelous to work with, ...
Kaplan’s “No Business” poster of MM mashes Travilla costumes

We all know that Mike Kaplan’s startlingly fabulous collection of dance-movie posters, Gotta Dance Too, a redux exhibition after Gotta Dance in 2014, now hangs at Jacob’s Pillow (a slide show of several posters here). The fetching poster above shows our girl Marilyn, aka Double M, in an interesting amalgam of two looks in which ...
So fake — and so fantastic. Marilyn’s porthole scene in ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’

I don’t make movies. I don’t know how they make them. I just go see ’em. A recent big-screen viewing, hosted by Laemmle Anniversary Classics, of the delicious Technicolor comedy, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, had us laughing, as ever, at the great comic scene between Marilyn Monroe, George ‘Foghorn’ Winslow, and Charles Coburn. In the scene, ...
Be-thigh-ed themselves in India

What prudes! It’s just a little leg! Okay, it’s a lotta leg…The clipping at bottom is from the Los Angeles Times, Nov 9, 1954.
arts·meme birthday gift from laemmle theatres: $1.00 popcorn!

At arts·meme, we love Laemmle Theatres. That’s where the good movies are! And we are very appreciative of the nice gesture from the respected theater chain’s head honcho, Greg Laemmle, who extends a special offer to arts·meme newsletter subscribers: $1.00 popcorn! Just print out your newsletter, or bring it on a smart phone, slap down ...
Ain’t there anyone here for love? Ladies, let’s do this! 1

Okay, Messrs Weinstein, Schneiderman, R. Kelly, Richard Meier, Charlie Rose and the rest of you sexual predator power-guys! Formidable glamazon Marilyn Monroe, in Jack Cole’s “Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend” from GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES (1953) wants to share her version of gender politics. A big boomerang of woman power heading your way, back at ...
Marilyn to have succeeded Bette in ‘Of Human Bondage’?

“She said she’d settled the suit with Fox. They had fired her from Something’s Got to Give. She’d be restarting production in about a month. And she had signed with MGM to remake “Of Human Bondage” to be directed by Henry Hathaway.” The words above were spoken by Jane Russell, apropos a conversation with her ...
When Sally gave Marilyn (Monroe) her jazz pants 5

We all remember when Harry met Sally. But what about when Sally gave Marilyn her pair of jazz pants? This happened! A jaw-dropping moment when Sally Goldin told me, “I gave Marilyn Monroe a pair of my jazz pants.” Uh, okay, Sally. That Marilyn? You gave Marilyn Monroe your JAZZ PANTS?? “Oh, yes,” shot Sally ...