Well, I’ve studied it, screened it, spooled it, summarized it, synopsized it. I’ve analyzed, advocated, argued and addressed it. Glowed and kvelled over it, enjoyed and celebrated it. So it’s fun, for a change, to let YouTube queen, “India Reacts” take the reins as she watches (her first time, ever) a video of “Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend,” choreographed by Jack Cole for director Howard Hawks’s Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953).
India’s facial expressions and commentaries, unbeknownst to her, arise as much from Cole’s mise-en-scene and choreography as from Leo Robbins’s goofy lyrics about the ultimate golddigger, Lorelei Lee. How Jack Cole would enjoy seeing India watching his number.

Then, check out ADogg. It’s interesting to see a man’s reaction to Marilyn Monroe. He seems less concerned by the golddigger themes than India was.
Reactions to Marilyn Monroe in “Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend | YouTube