Ticket to ride: ‘L.A. Documentaries at Union Station’

A wonderful idea: a film screening series in the noble and ghostly ticketing hall at Union Station in downtown Los Angeles. Where the teaming masses purchased train tickets, over decades, to all destinations north, south, and east. Lately the historic hall has emerged as a creative space. There, in 2013, photographer Dana Ross captured Yuval ...
Southern Californialand, here we come!

Native Southern Californian Charles Phoenix has been called the “King of Retro.” Now the King of Retro will make a personal appearance at one of our most distinctive historic properties to have been spared the wrecking ball, the still vital, still operating vintage beauty, Union Station. Phoenix’s presentation at Union Station, sponsored by Metro Art. ...
TCM & Starline partner for movie lover’s ramble through Los Angeles

There are two in every crowd, and they usually end up sitting near me: the people who keep talking throughout the movie — or, in this case, the Movie Locations Tour. But on a bright spring morning, when I had the rare chance to play tourist in the city where I live, the gabfest behind ...
Opera occupies Union Station 1

The overture ended, a set of heavy double doors opened, and into Union Station spilled the opera audience. As the group dispersed, some displayed trepidation in their quest for the singers heard in their headsets. Others eschewed the life-sized version of Where’s Waldo: One couple made a beeline for the bar; ordering a bottle of ...