‘So L.A.’ in a good way: Jacob Jonas The Company reviewed

‘to the dollar,’ chor by jacob jonas, photography matthew brush It’s hard to avoid politics these days. We tweet about it, march about it, get outraged about it. It’s in your face in every medium. Including dance. Jacob Jonas The Company’s (JJTC) brilliantly danced mixed bill at The Wallis on Friday included two politically-charged works: ...
Danny Ezralow opens hearts, minds through dance around the world

Choreographer Daniel Ezralow is a global citizen. The Los Angeles native speaks fluent Italian, and a smattering of Russian and Japanese, having directed and choreographed projects in all three countries — the massive 2015 Sochi Olympics Opening Ceremony and Japanese Men’s Rhythmic Gymnastics among them. He’s currently a judge on a new Italian TV talent ...
Danny! Mr. Ezralow to receive Lifetime Achievement Award 4

He merits a citation from the United Nations. With his prolific dance internationalism—choreographing dance concerts, operas, film, television, rock shows, spectacles, musicals, happenings and events in China, Russia, Japan, Italy and New York—that would make perfect sense. Instead, Daniel Ezralow’s considerable portfolio, cutting across borders and dance genres, is garnering for the 58-year-old dance maker ...
Fountain frolic by L.A. choreographers @ Dance Camera West

In the city that spawned Esther Williams’ aquatic dance-pageantry, I really like the commissioning of fun, site-specific water dances fashioned by a cadre of top Los Angeles choreographers. Some of the names may not be fully known to followers of “concert” dance. And that’s not right. The list comprises four highly successful film, television, stage ...