Lewitzky doc to open Dance Camera West at Barnsdall Art Park

I was delighted to learn that the annual DANCE CAMERA WEST festival will take place this year, the weekend of January 19, in the cozy underground theater of Barnsdall Art Park, one of the truly happy places of our fair city. The urban-rustic setting fits well with the California theme of the Festival’s opening film, ...
Aline’s nymphs to prance once more on Olive Hill

It’s the thing I most love, except for my relatives. I need this marble when I arrive home from a day of shopping or business. And I recover immediately when I look at those three maidens. They sooth me with their rhythm, that balance of movement, so charming, so pitre … This marble is already ...
Tyrone Power, divine, disheveled

We’re super looking forward to seeing Tyrone Power in a less discombobulated state than in this make-up test for “Nightmare Alley.” That is on offer Friday night at a screening of jazz movie, ALEXANDER’S RAGTIME BAND (1938), at wonderful Barnsdall Art Park. The 100th birthday party for the handsome actor will feature introductions by his children, ...
Preeminent dance movie posters @ Barnsdall

We’re super looking forward to touring through a wonderful installation of dance movies posters now on display at Barnsdall Gallery Theater. We already saw it once, but it’s so fabulous that repeat viewings are called for. Twenty distinct pieces in varying sizes and rarity comprise GOTTA DANCE!, the majority dating from the golden age of ...
Connoisseur collection of dance-movie posters grace Barnsdall exhibit 1

“I was born with a poster gene! When I was a kid I used to ‘color in’ the New York Times (black & white) print ads for theater. When I saw the poster, I’d compare their color choices [to mine].” Collector Mike Kaplan offers this charming anecdote in explanation for a lifelong obsession as we ...
Abstract art show at Barnsdall Park

Barnsdall Art Park — off Hollywood Boulevard not far from where D.W. Griffith’s studio once made celluloid art — sits on a hill over looking the Griffith Park Observatory, Hollywood sign, and picturesque Los Feliz neighborhood. All that beauty (click on photo for better view) — but a hideous strip mall sits adjacent to the ...
The eyes have it …

Indian dancers dance with their eyes. They train them too. That’s evident in this image of the great Indian classical dancer Uday Shankar (Ravi Shanker was his little brother and Jack Cole was his student). Modern-dance choreographer Yvonne Rainer wisely reminds us that the mind is a muscle. So, too, are the eyes. The pedagogy ...