Adieu to The Suzanne Farrell Ballet~!

With sadness and regret we learn that a valiant and artistically important ballet company will soon be no longer. In a farewell program of George Balanchine favorites, each with a special meaning for Ms. Farrell, the Kennedy Center’s The Suzanne Farrell Ballet celebrates its 16th and final season with performances in the Opera House, December ...
Cavalia Odysseo, a horse of different breed

Cavalia’s Odysseo is a voyage with horse, man, and woman to the world’s most beautiful locations including the African savanna and dessert, the Northern Lights, the American Southwest, rolling hills and lush forests. Odysseo’s 67 horses of 10 different breeds including the Appaloosa, Arabian, Canadian, Lusitano, Oldenburg, Paint Horse, Quarter Horse, Spanish Purebred and Warmblood. ...