REVIEW: Keigwin + Company Celebrates Bernstein @ The Soraya

Not one, but two, sweet-hearted, newly commissioned dance works by choreographer Larry Keigwin for his charming and excellent dance troupe, Keigwin + Company, had world premieres tonight in the classy, comfortable, and elegant Younes and Soraya Nazarian Center for the Performing Arts (The Soraya), formerly the Valley Performing Arts Center. The commissions came as part ...
Larry Keigwin’s irrepressible dance diplomacy

The State Department’s getting de-funded; we’ve alienated the Aussies, the Brits and the Germans. Our newbie Secretary of State, who just admitted his wife made him take the job, has placed us at the brink of nuclear war with North Korea. Half the Arab world loathes us for our unconstitutional travel ban, and it’s a ...