REVIEW: Go to ‘Royal’ hell, in Wayne McGregor ballet

edward watson & artists of the royal ballet, photo: cheryl mann In the first of my two viewings of choreographer Wayne McGregor‘s explosive and brilliant dance collaboration with composer Thomas Ades and the Los Angeles Philharmonic, “The Dante Project Part 1 [Inferno]” danced by The Royal Ballet as a world premiere for Glorya Kaufman Presents ...
REVIEW: ‘Mayerling”s tornado at the Chandler

Kiss of Death: Natalia Osipova as Mary Vetsera, Ryoichi Hirano as Rudolf in Mayerling at the Royal Opera House. Photograph: Helen Maybanks Last night, at 8:20 pm, most of Los Angeles experienced a 7.1-magnitude earthquake. But those viewing Kenneth McMillan‘s sprawling historic dance-drama, Mayerling, performed by the Royal Ballet at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion of ...
Weaving magic to the Bard: The Royal Ballet in “The Winter’s Tale”

I don’t get to Covent Garden all that often lately. Downstairs to the Linbury Studio experiments, yes, but upstairs? Elegant always, but stately for my current tastes — my dance fix is generally fed by Sadlers Wells these days. Last season’s Royal Ballet encounter with Mayerling — my favorite narrative by far — had been ...
Transferring high art in a forlorn ballet studio, Svetlana Beriosova

The great Royal Ballet prima ballerina, Svetlana Beriosova, coaches Richard Slaughter and Ursula Hageli in a photo by Linda Rich taken at Dance Works, in London, 1989. Beriosova’s obituary here. Thank you Richard Slaughter for sharing your photo.