Real, fake, honest, or corrupt? UCLA Film & Television Archive’s clever ‘Quiz Show’ program

Film · Ideas & Opinion

An exceptional double bill this Saturday night, June 1, at UCLA Film & Television Archive, where film programs are screened at the Billy Wilder Theater of the Hammer Museum.

This one bears particular tongue in cheek, as part of the Archive’s “Small Screen/Big Screen” series. It’s a clever pairing of a feature film, QUIZ SHOW (1994), in its 30th anniversary screening, a well received docudrama directed by Robert Redford.

On Saturday night, QUIZ SHOW is paired with an archive specialty, the source of Redford’s movie, viewable with our own eyes, an episode of the actual game show, Twenty-One, that spawned a congressional inquiry into fraud.

Thoughtful fun, which is very much our cup of tea. We’re going. Screenings at the Archive are free. So go.

Quiz Show / Twenty-One | UCLA Film & Television Archive | Billy Wilder Theater | June 1, 7:30 pm

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