The COVID quarantine persists. Stuff we used to do in person, with other people, is offered to us on line. Now this is understandable. The concept is, we should not think that our local theaters have just gone poof! and disappeared. We are cajoled to watch ballet on line, attend a film festival on line, and the worst, watch all kinds of people yammer in on-line “conversations.” Oh my goodness: A conversation with Gary Giddins about Charlie Parker! Yikes! Jeremy Denk plays Schubert! A Works in Process video of two gorgeous dancers from New York City Ballet, Joseph Gordon & Adrian Danchig-Waring, in a home movie.
We are shopping on line, having drinks parties on line, seeing relatives on line. All this gets old quickly, and on our side, we are just biting the bullet till live performance returns to our world.
Nonetheless! Watch this! Check out our new summer video. Click on “next” to speed up, or slow down for your own customized viewing experience. Enjoy!