Quatorze juillet – California edition 1


chas boyerWe passed the la fete nationale, Bastille Day, as follows: 

We attended a great LACMA double-bill featuring the suave, yet underrated, French film actor, Charles Boyer.

C’etait vendredi, that was Friday.

We then flew to San Francisco on Sunday and enjoyed a cafe creme and pain au chocolat at Cafe de la Presse.

Vive la France.

One comment on “Quatorze juillet – California edition

  1. Ken Jul 16,2008 4:19 pm

    Bonne Fete, Deb! Cafe de la Presse rocks; one of my guilty pleasures since moving to the Bay Area from LA is treating myself to a couple journaux en francais over a lovely plate of oeufs en meurettes avec un petit cafe for breakfast. Fantastique! Regarding Charles Boyer: ooh-la-la.

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